Disclaimer: the news cycle is tough to keep up with right now. We’re trying our best to keep relatively new sources of information, but things change faster than we can type. Do your own research on the items we’ve outlined below.
Home and utilities:
You’re not going to be left in the street. A bunch of cities, states, and federal level laws are getting passed, so people don’t lose their homes. The same goes for utilities and the internet.
Banks are working with people on their credit cards and their cell phone bills, too.
Media outlets to the rescue:
Spill the Dish and Eater have both created a big database that’s got all kinds of resources for the service industry, including what laws are changed, GoFundMe’s, etc. And you can search by state or specific relief type.
Cherry Bombe has compiled its own list of national resources.
The Chicago Tribune has made a list of 150 ways to support the service industry.
Financial resources:
In New Orleans, someone created a randomized way to tip bartenders in the city, citing if you’re a civilian having a drink at home, why not drop a dollar or two into their virtual bucket. Every time the page refreshes, someone gets a turn.
Cooks Who Care has a community resource for Philadelphia-focused service industry folks.
Another Round Another Rally is offering grants and accepting donations.
In Seattle, Amazon is putting $5 million up to help small businesses, as well as grants for places, especially in the South Lake Union and Regrade neighborhoods.
If you’re in Austin, Southern Smoke is a non-profit founded in 2015 committed to supporting the service industry. If you’re in the scene, you may qualify for their help.
The U.S. Bartenders Guild is trying to help out as many bartenders as possible. Check out their requirements and see if you qualify. Jameson even donated $500K to help out.
Food, glorious food:
Restaurants around the country are offering heavily discounted or even free meals for service industry. There’s obviously too many to name here but we highlighted a few in Austin here.
A Google search for “free service industry meals” + your city will nab you some quick results.
Want to get back to work?
If you’re looking for temporary work, even if your schedule is a little wonky thanks to watching the kids, or you’re not sure if you’re ready to be out of the house, retail is drowning right now.
While the bars and restaurants are struggling, the big chains can’t keep up. One way to hook up and check out what’s possible is to look at Adia, an on-demand staffing company. They’re helping facilitate support for chains around the country as shelves are getting wiped out every day. In some cities, stores are paying $20+ an hour.
Deep breaths. We’ll get through this.